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Day 2 Scrum:

  • Yesterday: Data model was approved by advisor. Found that FullContact API does not allow for query by name, only by email, Twitter handle, or phone number.

  • Today: Find an API that will allow for query by full name and begin

  • Blockers: None

An Application Program Interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols and tools that helps programs talk to each other.

Action Plan:

  • Find an API to pull a person's social media info from the web through querying by first and last name.

  • Create the, which is considered the skeleton of my database. (The data that will populate my database is considered the muscle of the database. This will come later.)

Yesterday, I found that the FullContact API will not work for me. I queried my own results with my email address but nothing returned. I Googled myself by my email address and three completely unrelated articles populated, which makes sense, because I, like most people, don't put my email address on every social app. This will not work for my app. I need an API that will allow me to query by full name.

I came across an alternative called the Pipl API which fills the void I was left with from FullContact. Victory was short-lived, however, as I was only granted access for a couple of days. My advisor sent them an email requesting an extension on my half, peppering the body with "Hackbright Academy," "software engineering fellowship" and the like. If that doesn't work, I will move onto a different feature.

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